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Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station

Lydig is a subcontractor to the Shimmick-Parsons Joint Venture for the construction of a new 436,315 SF parking garage and light rail station as part of Sound Transit’s East Link Expansion project.

Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station

Sound Transit


Jacobs Engineering Group



Photo Credit

Kathlyn Toney

For the E320 South Bellevue project, Lydig contracted all aspects of construction of the parking garage from foundations through to finishes and all work in between. Lydig also completed build-out of the station and specific work items at the elevated guideway. Lydig’s project scope includes the self-perform concrete, structural steel, metal panels, glazing systems, elevators, escalators, finishes, and associated mechanical and fire protection work. The parking garage provides stalls for 1,537 vehicles”the project included a phased turnover of the garage so patrons could begin using the parking structure while the remaining scopes of the overall project remain under construction.

Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station 1
Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station 2
Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station 3
Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station 4
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Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station 6
Sound Transit E320 Parking Garage and Station 7
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